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about Debbie Baxter and The Nest Project.
The Nest Project, Inc. is a nonprofit dedicated to turning life’s challenges, pains, and traumas into beautiful works of art.
It brings individuals and communities together to build human-sized nest installations as an expression of healing. The Nest Project uses photography and written/spoken word as tools for change, giving voice to unheard stories.
Debbie Baxter
Debbie Baxter is a Somatic Art Therapist, Fine Art Photographer, author of NEST, and creator/founder of The Nest Project, Inc. Debbie has traveled to cities worldwide building handmade nests and offering nest experiences. Her mission is to create art that inspires and reminds us to slow down, tend to our wounds, create safe spaces, and reflect on how we treat the vulnerable parts of ourselves and the vulnerable members of our society.
Make a donation.
The Nest Project works worldwide with individuals and groups, and is available for retreats, events, public and private installations, and exhibitions. We are currently accepting donations to offset our start-up costs.
“Grief is Love with nowhere to go.”
— Abenaa